Sunday, October 25, 2009

Giving Up the Less Important Stuff for the Most Important Stuff

After the last post I had a breakthrough in Coming Unto the Lord more. You see, about 6 years ago, I felt that He wanted me wake up @ 4:30 to write my book. I have tried and tried to do this and have succeeded on individual days, I have even succeeded 2 to 3 days a week, but I have not succeeded consistently every day of the week as I know the Lord wants me to.

There are many reasons the Lord wants me to wake at 4:30 a.m., some I know and some I am sure I don't know. One of the reasons I do know is that I feel better on the days that I wake early. My mind is more alert and I feel happier, more refreshed and more alive. Like Benjamin Franklin said, "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." I also know that I have learned to love the quiet, peace that is unique at that time of the day. I also love that my children's needs aren't blaring at me when I am by myself early in the morning. And of course, my book moves forward much quicker when I have uninturrupted time to focus on it.

There are many reasons that I love to get up early but the funny thing about getting up early is that you get tired earlier in the day. I realized recently that that was my main fear. You see, I have been so afraid of being tired and unable to handle the other responsibilites in my life that I have not trusted that I could wake up at 4:30 a.m. and that He would still help me do all that I needed to do.

So, once again I went to the Lord to figure out what I could do to get up consistently. The answer came that I needed to let go of some of my extra reading during the day that was taking extra energy and time. You see, one of the side things I am learning...maybe the most important thing to the that I only have so much energy in a day and I need to sacrifice extras so that I can do the things that are the most important to the Lord. I had never considered that my reading was interferring with my writing and energy level. Now that I have let go of some of my extra reading, I have found that I can rest during that time or write so that I am not maxing myself out every day. It gives me a little leeway in my day that I hadn't allowed myself before.

So many times in my life, since I have determined to Come Unto the Lord, I have had to let go of less important things in order to do the more important things that He requires. I have let go of things like the YMCA, having friends over for dinner a lot, children's all-consuming dance and sport programs, cleaning my house obsessively, shopping too often, cooking extravegant meals, and now reading too many good books. I still exercise, do things with friends, shop, cook healthy meals, my children are still developing their talents and I am still reading good books, I just do them in moderation so that I can accomplish the most important things.

When I whittled out of my life this less necassary thing, I found that it was very possible to do the more important thing of waking up at 4:30 consistently. I have felt good waking at 4:30 and have moved forward in miraculous ways on my book. I love the Lord and know that His ways are higher than my ways. I desire to Come Unto Him more fully and extra reading, doing too much in a day or any other thing is not worth being separated from him. It wasn't easy to let go of my extra reading but the miracles that have followed were well worth the little sacrifice on my part.

I'd love to hear if you have had any situations like this where the Lord has asked you to give up something less important for something more important! Send me a message and let me know!

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